The Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), Norway
(Project leader)
TØI is a national transport research institute, and a non-profit organisation. TØI’s mission is to develop and disseminate transportation knowledge with scientific quality and practical application.
AustriaTech – Gesellschaft des Bundes für technologiepolitische Maßnahmen GmbH (ATE)
AustriaTech GmbH, a company for technological measures, was founded in 2005 and is wholly owned by the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT).
German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Institute of Transport ResearchDLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt = German Aerospace Centre) is Germany's national research centre for aeronautics and space. Since its foundation in 1999, the Institute of Transport Research in Berlin-Adlershof is an integral component of the DLR's transport specialization.
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
DTU is the major technical university of Denmark and host of the largest transport research institute in the country (DTU Transport)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (FZK)
The Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) is one of the 22 member institutes of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) and integrated into the research programme of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.
Environmental Strategies Research (fms) (KTH)
Environmental Strategies Research (fms) is a research group at KTH (Royal Institute of technology). KTH accounts for one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level and have around 2,800 employees.
Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford (UOXF.JQ)
TSU is a research unit within the Oxford University Centre for the Environment. TSU has an established international research reputation in the fields of transport policy analysis, the development of new methodologies and behavioural studies.
Centrum dopravniho výzkumu, v.v.i. (CDV) -Transport Research Centre
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i. (CDV) processes and provides projects, services and technical support mainly for the Czech Ministry of Transport and other governmental bodies; conducts research and development for various transport projects and furnishes expertise and consulting services for public bodies as well as for private companies.