
Presentations from the OPTIC final workshop

The OPTIC final workshop took place in Brussels 31 May 2011. Below you can download the presentations.

A selected group of academics, policy makers and other stakeholders was invited to the final workshop. The final recommendations of the OPTIC project was presented and discussed in light of current policy making.

With the recent EU White paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area’ as a starting point this workshop considered unintended consequences of transport policy measures; implementation and management of barriers, and ex-post monitoring and revising policy package.

Workshop plan

Optic: Optimal policies for transport in combination
Nils Fearnley, Institute of Transport Economics

Recommendations: Synthesis of best practices in policy packaging and policy recommendations on policy packages. Andreas Justen, DLR Institute of Transport Research Berlin

Optimal policies for transport in combination
Frederik Rasmussen, DG Mobility and Transport

Optic –final meeting, External review
Stef Proost (KULeuven)

Address: Institute of Transport Economics, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo   -  Telephone: +47 22 57 38 00, Telefax: +47 22 60 92 00
                                                           Web editor: Nils Fearnley, naf@toi.no